Anis Gabi, a passionate musician, primarily active in Afaan Oromo, is releasing his first album Haadhi Mikii. A storytelling piece, centered on the place women have in the Oromo culture. It also aims to highlight the indigenous system put in place for women by women, the Sinqee. The Sinqee is a stick given to women by their mothers once they got married. It symbolizes, fertility, productivity and prosperity but also, it was a way to ensure their rights were not eroded and as a warning for husbands that sought dominance over their wives.
If a woman accused her husband of mistreating her in any way, the women of the village would gather holding their Sinqee to appeal to the elders and push for a solution to her issues. If any man would dare beat any woman holding her Sinqee, it would be tantamount to blasphemy. Women holding Sinqees were also required to perform important prayers and religious rituals, otherwise this would be deemed incomplete. The album highlights the intricate relationships between the Gadaa system, femineity and the fight against patriarchal structures. Moreover, the album also fuses the Ethio-Jazz with Oromo beats to deliver a unique sound for audiences to enjoy.
Launched on October 14th 2022, Haadhi Mikii, is available for streaming on all major streaming platforms including Spotify, iTunes, and Soundcloud.
Anis Gabi is also a part of Muziqawi’s lineup of diverse musicians. The company was started to promote Ethiopian music on the international stage and push for innovation in the local industry. Since its inception, the music group signed over 16 artists, diverse in terms of music style, sound and culture.